How to Create and Manage Lists and Save Orders

  • You can create lists by clicking “Add to List” on any part you’d like to have added to a list
    • The first time you create a list you will have to name it a personal list
    • This list can then be saved or modified for all future list purchases
      • To create a new separate list simply add a new list item and type in a new list name instead of using a pre-existing list
  • To access your wishlist(s) go to your account on the top right of the site page and click on the option “Wishlists”
    • You can delete lists by clicking “Delete List” under the list you have currently chosen
      • ***Be aware that once a list has been deleted you cannot get it back, ensure you want this gone before deleting a list***
    • Any items you have saved under your list you can add to cart
      • For individual items, select “Add to Cart” under the item you’d like added to cart
      • For all items in a specific list, choose “Add all to Cart” to have all items added to your cart


  • Anytime during a purchase, you can save the order if you plan to make the same purchase in the future
    • From the cart menu select “Save Order” to save that current order
    • To access your saved orders, go to your account on the top right and select “Saved Orders”
      • All saved orders will populate, to modify or go with a saved order, click on the date which will bring you to the saved order page
      • You can choose to “Delete the Saved Order” to permanently delete the order
      • Selecting “Place Saved Order” will bring you back to the purchase/request for quotation screen
      • Selecting “Add All to List” allows you to create a wishlist from this order
        • You can also print the order for your own use